Death Valley Drive

Death Valley
The Badlands & The Oasis
On April 14th. 2019 Ferrari Club Vegas hosted a Drive to Death Valley National Park. The drive began at 9:00a.m. at The Silverton Hotel & Casino. We had lunch at The Inn at The Oasis Hotel in Death Valley at Noon.

Death Valley is in the northern Mojave Desert bordering the Great Basin Desert. It is one of the hottest places on earth with a record high of 134°F or 59°C! It is also 282 feet below sea level at its lowest elevation.

This beautiful desert has big horn sheep, wild burros, red-tailed hawks and even pupfish in Salt Creek at the center of the valley.

The scenic outlook called Zabrinskie Point has breathtaking views of the characteristic erosional landscape.

An elegant hideaway since 1927, The historic Inn at Death Valley was once the exclusive desert escape for stars such as Marlon Brando, Clark Gable, and Carole Lombard.

The property features date palm gardens natural spring and a spring-fed pool which is consistently 87 degrees.