Ferrari Club Las Vegas August Social 2021

This is our first Social at Limoncello Fresh Italian Kitchen located in the Sun West Cimarron Center.

Join us at 6:00 pm for drinks and dinner.

This kicks of our local monthly socials for the fall! See you there.

Please RSVP to Bianca LaBriola by August 17th at or 702-305-9754.




Champagne & Cars

Party in Carmel hosted by Desert Region.

Please R.S.V.P.  to


Ferrari Club Las Vegas May-Social 2021

This is our first Social of 2021. Table 34, one of our favorites.
Time 6:15 pm. 600 E. Warm Springs Rd. #180 Las Vegas NV, 702 263-0034
Enjoy our social hour and meeting old friends again. Be sure to stay for dinner too.

Please, let’s  make an effort to attend. Table 34 is excited to host us and reserved outside patio, weather permitting.

It will be GREAT to see everyone and celebrate getting back to normal.

We would also  be helping out one of our favorite restaurant’s …..

RSVP by Wed May 18th…space is limited, due o Covid restrictions.

See you there.